Success Stories



The village Bhalumetta established in the year 1980. The village is under, Panchayata-Sanohuma, Block-Gudari; dt-Rayagada.The land was provided by land lord Gecho Gomango, village Bengitiguda. The people of Bhalumetta were working as an agriculture laborer under land lord. All the families are belonging to Schedule Tribe and the sub-caste is Sabara. All total 24 households are living in this village. It is a revenue village. All 24 families are agriculture laborer and 20 families are agriculture land less. At present all 24 families have become the land share holders with the land lord. Every family cultivates l2acres of land. From the land whatever they get   it is not sufficient for their livelihood. So they go for the kulli work (labour work).


The Bhalumetta agriculture laborers while working under land lord, other side they were working in Banjari Land individually for their livelihood. Since 1982, all the 24 households are paying land tax to the Government, but till today no body have the proof for ownership of existing land. Even they have no land deed for their home stead land.


In the year 2011 the organization COME started to work in this village and in September 2011 the PACS programme introduced regularly. Forest Land rights, Land Rights and Revenue Land Rights are one of the major activities in PACS project. The staff of COME visited and gave awareness, orientation and conducted meeting very frequently .The villagers also participated actively in every meeting. During the meeting or visit the Community Mobiler used remind on Government Scheme, Yozana on Land and processing of Accessing Land.  Opened


Though the Vasundhara Yozana has introduced in the year 2005, but the Government official do not give awareness on the Scheme or Yozana to community. After getting the awareness on scheme, the CM and VDC member went to Revenue Inspector to get the form, but the Revenue Inspector replied that, the form is not available, so come later.  Two times the Revenue Inspector made to go to Revenue office. Finally the Revenue Inspector gave only one form on Banjari land deed application form.


Previously the community had applied for home stead land deeds and the organizer had collected Rs 200/- each family to pay without any processing of their application. The community waited for 3years to get land deed. So the people had completely lost their hope. To bring faith and to build up confidence the community given unified massage. The vulnerable people felt the genuine necessity of Home stead land deed and land deed of Banjari Land.  In April   21.04.2012 the Village Development Committee formed.

In keeping mind the previous experience, the CM first contacted with revenue Inspector about the Home stead land deed and Banjari land deed. Second time the CM introduced VDC President with Revenue Inspector.

After getting the Form, the VDC President and secretary took imitative to collect money from each family to do xeroxed Application of Home stead land and Banjari Land and necessary /required supporting document. 

In the village no men have studied, so they are not able to do fill up the forms. If the forms are filled up by outsider person, then the person will charge per forms Rs.20/-. Therefore, the forms were filled up by the community mobilize in order to save the 20/- each of family. 

After filling up all the required information, on 22.05.2012 all the VDC members took all the forms to submit Revenue Office Gudari, Rayagada, but the revenue Inspector was upsent. So again as per availability of Revenue Inspector, the entire VDC member and village leader on 24.05.2012 went and submitted the application for Home stead land and for Banjari land deed/lease.


After seeing the requested application forms the revenue Inspector replied that, in the proposed land, the land Deed/ PATTA cannot give because it is a PATARA land.  Hearing this the members asked what are the alternative for this, which can be solve? In answer the Revenue Inspector replied, it can be resolved by the District Collector.


When the application submitted on home stead land, the Revenue Inspector said home stead land also cannot give, because it is a private land, unless the land owner gives in written, the land cannot transfer to another person. So the occupied families get written agreement, then they can be provided home stead land Patta.





The village Loknathpur is under Sanohuma GP block Gudari of Rayagada District. There 85 house hold. 35 households are belongs to dalit community. In the village mainly three types caste people leaving, (1Dalit) (2OBC) and (general) in the number Dalit households no is high.  In village there 5 tube well, one temple, one anganwadi centre, two shops and one High school.All the community people are belongs to Hindu religion. Dalit community is based 300 meter far from other community. 


After starting PACS programme the Community Mobilizer used visit regularly to the village, seeing the interest of the villagers.  On April 2oth, the Area director also monitored and conducted meeting to give awareness on purpose and value of village development committee and Human rights, especially on dalit rights. In every meeting the Loknathpur Dalit community people used sensitize on discrimination practices towards dalit people.  After one month again the monthly meeting was conducted in the village. In the meeting and after meeting when the people were asked about what are the discrimination practices going in the village. In the answered they said in the beginning there was a discrimination practice but not now. The women were ready to give some information about the discrimination practices of other community, but the men advised them not to say anything. After knowing the control of men, the area director of PACS project asked why you all hiding or not sharing the fact? The men and women answered it is sensitive use and we staying many years with them, so we do not want to bring problem regarding this issue.  So women were made keep quite.


On 2oth May 12,after the long discussion, the women those who wanted to express the fact of discrimination practices, they called separately and questioned one by one about the discrimination practices which is taking place at  village shop during the purchasing of home need consumes. Without knowledge of men two women called to give accompany to purchase some biscuits and cool water from the shop.



INTRODUCTION: The village Parukupuda consist 75 house hold. All the 75 families belongs Adivasi community. The village falls under Kadama GP of Gudari Block, Rayagada. In the village there is one primary school, mini anganwadi centre. The main occupation of the people are daily labor, some are agriculture laborer and few families agriculture land owner.


In same Panchayata there is another village called Dendoguda, 60 house hold are there and all the community is belongs to adivasi. The villagers are given 100 acres of land for 1 lack rupees.  The distance of Dendoguda and Parukupuda is only 8 kilometers. The people meet very frequently in weekly market and in block office. When the elderly people of Parukupuda came to know about Rs.1 lack, they got temptation and told villagers to give land to forest department.


During the visit CM came to know this matter from other source. So in the meeting she explained and sensitized people about ownership of people given land to forest department. In her talk she told they can be only care taker and protector of the land as well as the forest, but they do not get any direct benefit or profit of it.


In the absent of Community mobilize, the VDC called a village meeting on the issue of giving 100 acres of land to forest department. Still the elderly people and ward members husband had strong hold to give up the land to Forest Department. But the secretary Mr.Jagnanath Gandalka and Budu Gandalka strongly, clearly and force fully denied not to give land to forest department. With evidence the VDC member clarified and explained, on the way to village Neding padara, the land which is given to forest land and what is situation and hold of people. Then the people understood the matter and agreed with VDC secretary and member.

In the absent of Community mobilize, the VDC called a village meeting on the issue of giving 100 acres of land to forest department. Still the elderly people and ward members husband had strong hold to give up the land to Forest Department. But the secretary Mr.Jagnanath Gandalka and Budu Gandalka strongly, clearly and force fully denied not to give land to forest department. With evidence the VDC member clarified and explained, on the way to village Neding padara, the land which is given to forest land and what is situation and hold of people. Then the people understood the matter and agreed with VDC secretary and member.


Name and address of the victim- Mrs. Bijaya Laxmi Kondalu, 

                                                              W/o- Basudeba Kondalu,

                                                              Residing at   -Relli street (Ambedkar Nagar) 


Name and address of the propitiator: Sri Bsasudeba kandalu,

                                                                       S/O- Laxman kandalu

                                                                       Present residing address: Parlarakhemundi police station



  1. BijayaLaxmi Kondalu was legally married in the year 1985 as per their village tradition/ caste customs. After the marriage the Bijayalaxmi kondalu and husband lived at different places as per the job, in the police department. At the time of marriage, the husband was given a cash of twenty thousand, one hero cycle, one HMT watch, Gold weighing two tales. One Almiragh, one sewing machine, one TV and other household goods like utensils, bed and clothes.

          After marriage they have blessed with three children-two daughters and one son who are now age 24 years daughter, 22 year and 14 daughters respectively.

          It is further submitted that the relation between Bijayalaxmi and husband was good for a year, but after the birth of the first child there was change in the behavior of Basudeba and he used to assault Bijaya laxmi and demanding her to bring more dowry from her parent house. As the parent of the Bijaya laxmi are very poor financially. The B.laxmi was not able to meet the demand of the husband .During the stay at koraput, the husband tried to pour kerosene on the B.laxmi and to lit fire on the B. laxmi. Out of fear the B. laxmi had to take shelter in neighbor’s house. It is not only that, husband used to assault the B. laxmi every time. But his relation like parents and sisters also encouraging him and taking part in the assault and torturing the B. laxmi, but the B. laxmi was tolerating all such assault and torture for the sake of her small children. More pathetic is that whenever the B. laxmi was getting ill. The husband inspires of treating her and used to send her to her parents house.

        It is further submitted that during the stay at Mohana, the husband of B.Laxmi locked the victim in a room for seven months and used to give food once in a day and a bucket of water once in a month for bathing. In addition to that the husband was assaulting the B.Laxmi and also encouraging the children to beat their mother.

In one occasion, basudeba Kondalu reported to the parents of B.Laxmi that, B.Laxmi is already dead and her whereabouts not known to him. Due to regular assault and torture and lack of care by the husband and his relations, the victim became mentally disturbed. At last, one day the victim was in her night dress, husband forcibly sent B.Laxmi with unknown man in a bus from Mahana to Rayagada.

After coming from husband B.Laxmi is taking shelter in the house of poor mother and her mother is not in a position to go to her husband, since he has already threatened her to do away her life, if the victim tries to go to him. B.Laxmi Kondalu had sent back in the month of April 2012.

In the month of May first week the victim was met with Activist Bimala Bardhan in the Relii Street (Ambedkar nagar) Rayagada. After hearing all the story B.Laxmi was given regular counseling about her struggle. Between husband of B.Laxmi also was through over phone many time tried to call him to Rayagada for the counseling, but he did not agree for it. Even through Police constable one who was in charge of Domestic violent cases also many time tried to call him, but to them also he denied and pretended that he has no time and when he gets free he will go and meet them.

Then in the end of May2011 B.Laxmi gave written petition against her husband. The police of Rayagada many time sent the notice, notice from woman cell & called over phone still he did not respond and came for comprise.  By B.Laxmi and activist the petition was followed up regularly. Lastly the in charge of Domestic Violent police she talked with SP of Paralakhemundi regarding the case, then the perpetrator fixed the date on 3rd October 2012 to attend in Rayagada Police station.

All the police staff of Rayagada indirectly supported perpetrator Basudeba Kondalu , because he was police constable. All police staff advised not to file case and in the police station itself to comprise. Some police said to activist the woman is mad, so the case will be false why you are facilitating this issue. The perpetrato was ready to pay maintenance per month 2500/- and the police in charge also was agree with and she asked activist to make understand B.Laxmi and to agree the said amount.

Activist and police in charge of DV case three day tried to make understand the husband Basudeba Kondalu and their two children to accept B.Laxmi as a wife and mother. To council perpetrator, children it took three days, but both party lastly declared that they will not take home, instead of that she will be paid Rs.1500/- per month as her expenses. B.Laxmi had heard about from her husband but she was waiting to hear from her children. Children also were cancelled to take their mother to take care of her, but the children replied they have no time to look after a mental woman, and if they take her she will be no use for them, rather she will be burden for them. When this denying stances and abandoned word heard from children, B.Laxmi changed her decision and got ready to file case against her husband and then and there the F.I.R prepared forwarded the case under IPC 498(A) and put him in the jail. During all this process the police in charge of DV, activist, women of Relli Street and witness of marriage people were completely involved.

The great thing took place because of involvement of activist Bimala Bardhan without any bribe the perpetrator was arrested at Rayagada town police station in front of victim.

Since one year the case is going on, after case also the perpetrator was not attending according to the date. Continuously two court date he was absent and the case was follow up by the activist,when it came to notice, the government family court advocated suggested to send third notice and again if he don’t come to attend, then to another warrant against him. The government accepted the suggestion and as per said, the perpetrator came, but unfortunately B.Laxmi was sick and admitted in the medical for her treatment. It is strange to hear that, on the court hearing day always B.Laxmi falls in sick. As we see in the film that for the victim only days fixed but the victim doesn’t get justice but wait for the next date.  So same way it is happening towards B.Laxmi because of her physical illness.

  1. Laxmi decided that there is no chance of joining with the husband and the sacred bond of marriage has already broken between the victim and perpetrators. The Basudeba Kondalu also completely neglected the wife B.Laxmi and not giving anything towards her maintenance even through his bond under the law.
  • With the leadership of Mr. Maheswar Rao B.Laxmi is provided one sewing machine arranged and given to B.Laxmi. But due to shelter less, B.Laxmi is not using her sewing machine.
  • So, activist imitative taken with the cooperation of one of the  leader to get government land for permanent shelter is arranged and  some finance is collected from the friend of activist for B.Laxmi and shelter is under process.

At present B.Laxmi is still struggling for her daily bread, shelter, but she is free from the husband assault, torture.



Name of village: Sakarbaju

Name of Panchayata: Kadama

Name of Block: Gudari

Name of district: Rayagada



The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a familiar social security Right to employment on demand. It aims to enhance livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guarantee wage employment in a year to every house hold. MGNREGA has a right based frame work. Its demand based entitlement stem from the fundamental right “to live with dignity” and sets it apart from other cash conditional transfers, as well as   social safety net. The basic objective of the Act is to enhance livelihood security in rural areas, every house hold whose adult members to do unskilled manual labor. To promote equality and empower rural communities. Transparency and public accountability are central to the implementation of this Act. It helps to exercise of rights those who are poor and marginalized.




 The village Sakarbaju established since 200 years ago. Now there are 60 house hold in this village, out of 60, 57 families are belong to Schedule Tribe, sub-cast kandha and 03 families belongs Schedule Caste, sub-caste dombo. It is a forest area. The main occupation of the people is podu cultivation, few are agriculture farmers and others agriculture laborers. Other seasons they depend on forest product.


In the village schools are there from class 1 to 5th. There is anganwadi centre. For drinking water there are two tube wells. Recently the electricity facility is provided.  No road communication and transport facility available to this village.



35 families out of 60 house hold have received job cards under MGNREGA. Last year only 6 families had applied for pond under MGNREGA.The applicants those who have done the pond work, to each one has sanctioned Rs 50,000/- for the proposed work. In between pond work the job cards of each applicant had taken by the village MGNREGA mediator and given to gram sevak telling that, the job cards needed for sanctioning the payment. So, all the pond approved applicants and other job cards holders’ laborers gave the job cards as per the instruction. Each pond took time to finish one month. After completing the work the five applicants got back their all approved amount. Then, after few days the applicants asked to return the job cards, but nobody got back, due un payment of bribe. Like near about 4to 5months the job cards were lying down in Panchayata Office.


Since six months the COME Organization is working in Kadama Panchyata with the support of DAlit Foundation programme on Right to Livelihood. On 7th December-11, the Secretary  and staff of COME had come to village Sakarbaju for Random Survey. During survey some information was asked about MGNREGA implementation and job cards position. In the beginning people were afraid to talk with the social workers. After the self introduction the village leaders got confidence to share about their issues and problems. During the problem sharing the above job cards matter came to know. After coming to know all the issues the leaders and job cards holders were motivated and instructed about the MGNREGA Act, benefits, rule regulation, implementation and process of getting back the job cards. Even we had gone to Panchayata office to get data from the office and met Gram Sevak of Kadama Panchayata. During the Panchayata visit talk with Gram Sevak about the status of job cards. The staff of COME was coming every month to the village, was giving awareness and strengthening about the rights.


The village leaders and job cards holders when ever going to Panchayata office, that time they were talking with gram Sevak about the cards. Due to regular visit and interaction, the Gram  Sevak return back the 9 members job cards in the month of January-12. The names are mentioned those who have got back the job cards;


  1. Palaka Mahji.
  2. John Muturanga.
  3. Kondala Dulibaskar.
  4. Kilanji
  5. Jura Mahji
  6. Shama Mahji
  7. Butena Kreputika
  8. Kodamasa Kreputika
  9. Blobuka Mahji